With the rise of information on the web, the importance of Search Engines has increased. Yes! Search Engine”S”! Search Engines are the software systems that put forward the right information as per the query entered by the user. To put the right information in fraction of a second, there is a lot of background work done, namely, crawling, ranking and indexing. Crawling is done to discover the new pages by following the links, Indexing is storing the information about pages to be retrieved later and Ranking is to determine the topic of the page content to assign rank according to the search queries. These basic efforts are put in by all the search engines. There are other search engines as well apart from “Google”. Google is now used as a synonym for Search. No doubt about its popularity to find information on the web. Have a look at the statistics of August 2022 [1], Google captures 92% of the Search Market Share, then comes...
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