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Top Search Engines in India 2022

Top Search Engines in India 2022

With the rise of information on the web, the importance of Search Engines has increased.

Yes! Search Engine”S”!

Search Engines are the software systems that put forward the right information as per the query entered by the user. To put the right information in fraction of a second, there is a lot of background work done, namely, crawling, ranking and indexing. Crawling is done to discover the new pages by following the links, Indexing is storing the information about pages to be retrieved later and Ranking is to determine the topic of the page content to assign rank according to the search queries. These basic efforts are put in by all the search engines.

There are other search engines as well apart from “Google”. Google is now used as a synonym for Search. No doubt about its popularity to find information on the web. Have a look at the statistics of August 2022 [1],

Market Share Graphic of Search Engines

Google captures 92% of the Search Market Share, then comes Bing at the second position with Market Share of 3.34%, and further succeeded by Yahoo, Yandex, Baidu and DuckDuckGo.


Search Engine

Market Share

Domain Authority (DA)


























Let us discuss these Search Engine Alternatives of Google.

❶ Bing

Search Engine by Microsoft, with a high Domain Authority (DA) of 93, is the first most used engine apart from Google. Its SERP appearance is similar to its top used counterpart, with blue title and green URL. Its popularity is good in USA. For those who are looking for increase in traffic on their website must consider Bing. The concept of Microsoft Rewards and Free Gifts Cards for donation is a nice charm for those who want to make a contribution for good.



    ❷ Yahoo

Yahoo has been there even before Google. It is one of the popular email providers, as well, having a high DA of 93. For Firefox users, Yahoo is the default search engine. So, don’t consider it to be outdated. It is still on the top search engines’ list. The search results on Yahoo are visually more engaging. Its features beyond typical search results make it a better choice for many searches online.

Yahoo SERP

         ❸ Yandex

Yandex is a popular search engine in Russia having a DA of 92. It has a very clean interface and beautiful visuals. It offers other features like mail, map, etc. It is better optimized for Russian Market. So, if you are targeting this market, Yandex is a good option.

Yandex SERP

   ❹ Baidu

Baidu is a gateway to the Chinese Market. It’s the most popular search engine in China and its market share is increasing steadily. Baidu is accessible worldwide but it serves only Chinese Language. It serves the rich features on SERP like Google and presents the best results for the Chinese Local Market. It is heavily censored as per their National Policy. So, work on it only if you are to capture this market.

Baidu Home Page

   ❺ DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo is the search engine that does not track the user’s activity data. The search results are, therefore, transparent and are not affected or influenced by profiling of the users. The number of searches on this engine are increasing due to its privacy and easy interface. But it doesn’t offer extra features like other top search engines.


DuckDuckGo SERP

I hope the information is useful for you. Happy Searching!


[1]  "Search Engine Market Share Worldwide". StatCounter GlobalStats. Retrieved Spetember 15, 2022.


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