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IoT for Electrical Engineers

Electrical Engineering is majorly known for generation and distribution of Electrical Power through fossil fuels, hydro power plants, etc. but that is just a small purview of this field. The lesser known but very significant areas of this field include renewable / clean energy, control and automation. The renewable energy generation is the most researched and active area these days. The manufacturing industry cannot be thought without the automatic control techniques. Can you think about packing of chips with hands or controlling a paper making machine without controllers? Obviously No!

The internet has touched everyone and has changed the way we live, think and communicate. The next step of this field known as Internet of Things (IoT) is a paradigm of Internet connected Things which can connect, interact and communicate with each other similar to the way humans talk. IoT is not just a link to connect things rather it allows things to communicate and exchange data while executing the applications.

Now let’s move on to know how IoT can impact the field of Electrical Engineering.

The Electrical Power Systems for generation and distribution can be made smarter by the use of IoT. The Smart Grids are the hot topic of this field. The use of IoT with Smart Grids extends its benefits beyond automation, distribution and monitoring done by the utilities in conventional ways. Some of many ways in which IoT may be used in Power Sector include Smart Metering, Dynamic Pricing, Smart Load Forecasting and Management, Tracking real-time energy consumption and demand and Self – Healing Grid. This is not all, alternate energy resources are also to be tracked.

As the fossil fuel levels are depleting fast, and as it is our need to switch to more greener sources, renewable energy is picking up at a tremendous pace. The use of IoT based renewable energy is helping save millions on electricity, along with helping to decrease the carbon footprint. The architecture of conventional energy distribution system is designed to support unidirectional energy flow that is from suppliers to users. The integration of additional small renewable power generation plants into the traditional infrastructure is substituted by the use of Smart Grids that allow flexible operation management. This will make the renewable energy sector will become smarter, efficient, more distributed and more reliable.

IoT is supporting the manufacturing industry through smart automation and control that provides high-speed and efficient systems capable to execute flexible production processes at affordable prices. IoT-based industrial automation offers integration of various commercial technologies across major industrial applications. Along with it, the management of the large amounts of data (collected information), its analysis and distribution are essential to derive predictive models. These models help end-users to reduce often costly unplanned downtime. Developing solutions to the challenges in this field will lead to its full potential.

The world needs energy to run and we Electrical Engineers are moving pace with the IoT that is helping transform our field through remote monitoring and management, smart automation and control, better efficiency, improved load management, and enhanced cost-efficiency. So, Electrical Engineers, learn the most needed technology – IoT.

Happy Learning!


  1. Thanks for sharing. Vwry useful 😊

  2. Very useful and informative for electrical engineers

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