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About Me

 "Teaching & coding is my passion and so is my profession"

Professional with 20+ years of experience of teaching and administration in Engineering College.

Bright student awarded with University Medal for First Class First in B.Tech., Completed M.Tech. and Ph.D. from N.I.T., Kurukshetra.

Enjoy coding, learning technology and research.

Publications in Journals

     1.    Nidhika Birla and Akhilesh Swarup, “Fixed Structure Constrained Preview Control Design using Enhanced PSO Approach”, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Vol. 4, Nos. 2/3, pp. 120-143, 2014, Inderscience Publishers. (ISSN:1755-4950)
      2.  Nidhika Birla and Akhilesh Swarup, “Optimal Preview Control: A Review”, Optimal Control, Applications and Methods (IF-1.535), John Wiley and Sons Ltd., doi: 10.1002/oca.2106, 2014. (Online ISSN: 1099-1514)
3.  Nidhika Birla and Akhilesh Swarup, “Design of Optimal Length Preview Controller”, International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Emerald (IF-0.440), Vol. 33, No. 1/2, pp. 320-336, 2014. (ISSN: 0332-1649)
4.  Nidhika Birla and Akhilesh Swarup, “Design of Adaptive Preview Control”, Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics (IF-0.537), Vol.15, No.1 pp. 71-78, 2013. (ISSN 1454-8658)
5. Nidhika Birla and Akhilesh Swarup, “Performance of Preview Control based on Evolutionary Algorithms”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 38, pp. 37-52, SERSC Korea, January 2012. (Indexed in: EBSCO, ProQuest, ULRICH, DOAJ, OpenJ-Gate) (ISSN: 2005-4238)
6.    Nidhika Birla and Akhilesh Swarup, “Enhanced MO-PSO Preview Control for Non-Linear System”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems (Print ISSN:  1847-6996), Croatia, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1 - 9, 2011.
7.  Nidhika Birla and Akhilesh Swarup, “Preview Control Design for Polytopic Uncertain Systems: A Novel MO-PSO Approach”, International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology (ISSN: 2229-5216), Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 25-34, 2011. (Indexed in: DOAJ, Google Scholar, British Library European Library, DocStoc, Computer Science Directory, DoxTop, Scribd, World Catalog, Yudu, Ulrich's Web)
8.  Nidhika Birla and Akhilesh Swarup, “PSO Approach to H∞ Preview Control Design”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ISSN: 0974-2190), Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1 – 30, 2010.
9.   Shweta Sharma, Himanshu Sharma, Ajaya Kumar and Nidhika Birla, “Design of 128 QAM Modulator using Clock Gating Technique”, CIIT International Journal of Programmable Device Circuits and Systems, ISSN No.: 0974 – 9624, Vol. 3, No. 7, pp. 358-361, June ’11.
10.  Rupinder Singh, Ajay Kaushik and Nidhika Birla, “Image Contrast Enhancement using PSO”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN No.: 0973-4562, Vol. 6, No. 5, 2011.
11.  Rohit Arora, M.L. Sharma and Nidhika Birla, “An Algorithm for Image Compression using 2D Wavelet Transform”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, ISSN No.: 0975-5462, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 2758-2764, Apr.’11.
12. Vivek Kamboj, D.K. Gupta and Nidhika Birla, “Comparison of Path Loss Models For Wimax in Rural Environment at 3.5GHz”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, ISSN No.: 0975-5462, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 1432-1437, Feb. 2011.
13.  Anjali Bala and Nidhika Birla, “Virtual Voice Command Recognition System based on MFCC and DTW”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN No.: 0973-4562, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 898-902, 2011.
14.  Anjali Bala, Abhijeet Kumar and Nidhika Birla, “Voice Recognition System based on MFCC and DTW”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, ISSN No.: 0975-5462, Vol. 2, No. 12, pp. 7335-7342, 2010.

Publications in International Conferences

1. Nidhika Birla and Akhilesh Swarup, “Adaptive Preview Control: A Novel Control Structure”, Proceedings of International Conference on Embedded Guidance, Navigation and Control in Aerospace (EGNCA) -2012, IISc, Banglore, (IFAC sponsored), Feb.’12. (ISSN: 1474-6670)
2.    Nidhika Birla and Akhilesh Swarup, “Design of Fixed Structure Preview Controller with Constraints”, Proceedings of IEEE INDICON 2011, pp. 1-6, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, Dec.’11. (ISBN Number: 978-1-4577-1109-1)
3.    Nidhika Birla and Akhilesh Swarup, “Design of Constrained Preview Controller for 2DOF Helicopter”, Proceedings of International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS 2011), IIT, Roorkee , Dec.’11.
Advances in Intelligent and Soft computing – Book Series by Springer (ISBN: 978-81-322-0490-9), Vol. 131, pp. 667 – 677, 2012. (Indexed in: ISI Proceedings, DBLP. Ulrich's, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt Math, MetaPress, Springerlink) (Series ISSN: 1867-5662)
4.  Nidhika Birla and Akhilesh Swarup, “PSO based H∞ Preview Control of Inverted Pendulum”, Proceedings of 5th International Multi-Conference on Intelligent Systems, Networks and Nanotechnology, ISTK, Feb. ’11.
5.    Vivek Kamboj, D.K. Gupta and Nidhika Birla, “Survey of Path Loss Models for Wi-Max at 3.5 GHz”, Proceedings of International Conference on Next Generation Communication and Computing Systems, NITTTR, Chandigarh, Dec.’10.
6.    Anjali Bala, Abhijeet Kumar and Nidhika Birla, “A Survey of Voice Recognition System”, Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematics and Soft Computing (Applications in Engineering), NC College of Engineering, Israna (Panipat), pp. 17-18, Dec. ’10.
7.  Nidhika Birla and Akhilesh Swarup, “PSO Approach to Preview Tracking Control Systems”, Proceedings of  IEEE TENCON ’09, Singapore, Nov. ’09. (ISBN: 978-1-4244-4547-9)
8.  Nidhika Birla and Rakhi Chaudhary, “Intelligence in Ground Water Monitoring”, Proceedings of International Convention on Water Resources Developments and Management (ICWRDM-2008), Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan, Oct. ’08.
9.    Nidhika Birla and Shakti Kumar, “Automating Fuzzy Set-Point Weighting using Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization”, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Networks (ISN-2008), Institute of Science and Technology, Klawad, Yamuna Nagar, Feb. ’08.
10.  Nidhika Birla and Shakti Kumar, “A PSO Approach to Fuzzy Set-Point Weighing for PID Controllers”, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Networks (IISN-2007), M.A.I.M.T., Jagadhri, Feb.’07.
11.  Nidhika Birla, Akhilesh Swarup and Shakti Kumar, “A Modified C-means Clustering Technique for Fuzzy Membership Generation”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Intelligent Systems and Networks (AISN-2006), H.E.C., Jagadhri, Feb.’06.
12. Dinesh Kumar and Nidhika Birla, “PSIM – Emerging Software”, Proceedings of International Conference on Resource Utilization and Intelligent Systems (INCRUIS-06), Kongu Engg. College, Erode (Tamil Nadu), Jan.’06.

Publications in National Conferences

1. Mitrabinda Singh & Nidhika Birla, "Electrical Engineering through Modern Tool - An OBE Approach", Faculty Conclave 2017, JMIT, Radaur, July'17.
2.Charu Singla & Nidhika Birla, "Enhancing Engineering Knowledge through Cognition", Faculty Conclave 2017, JMIT, Radaur, July'17.
3.Vivek Kamboj, D.K. Gupta and Nidhika Birla, “Comparison of Path Loss Models For Wimax in Urban Environment at 3.5GHz”, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering, PIET, Panipat, Apr.’11.
4.Shweta Sharma, Ajaya Kumar and Nidhika Birla, “Software Reference Modelling of 128 QAM Modulator Demodulator”, Proceedings of National Conference on Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, pp. 52, Nov.’10.
5.   Anjali Bala, Nidhika Birla and Sandeep Sachdeva, “Speed Control of DC Motor using Fuzzy Logic Controller”, All India Conference on Recent Emergences and Scope of Electronics Architecture – 2010 (RESEARCH – 2KX), H.E.C., Jagadhri, Feb.’10.
6.  Parveen Verma, Nidhika Birla and D.K. Gupta, “Performance Analysis of Fibers in 4-Channel WDM Transmission System”, All India Conference on Recent Emergences and Scope of Electronics Architecture – 2010 (RESEARCH – 2KX), H.E.C., Jagadhri, Feb.’10.
7.  Nidhika Birla and Anjali Taneja, “A Peer View of Nano-robots”, National Workshop on Nanotechnology Applications in Industry and Research (NAIR-2009), Feb. ’09.
8.  Nidhika Birla and Anjali Taneja, “Ant Systems: An Appraisal”, Proceedings of National Conference on Machine Intelligence (NCMI-2008), H.E.C., Jagadhri, Aug. ’08.
9. Nidhika Birla and Rakhi Chaudhary, “Municipal Solid Waste Prediction: A Fuzzy Approach”, Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Development of Sustainable Environment (RADSE-2008), H.E.C., Jagadhri, May ’08.
10.Nidhika Birla and Shonak Bansal, “Tele-Education : A Brief Review”, Proceedings of National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Tele-Academics, Ganapati Institute of Technology and Management, Bilaspur, Jagadhri, Mar. ’08.
11.Nidhika Birla, Shakti Kumar and Akhilesh Swarup, “Automating Virtual Fuzzy Controller Design for Linear and Non-Linear Systems”, Proceedings of IEEE National Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems (AIS-2008), Hindu College of Engineering, Sonepat, Haryana, Mar. ’08.
12.Nidhika Birla, Akhilesh Swarup and Shakti Kumar, “Virtual Fuzzy Controller Identification Tool”, Proceedings of National Conference on Signal Processing and Automation, Padamshree Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Engineering and Technology, Pimpri (Pune),       Sept. ’07.
13.Nidhika Birla and Shakti Kumar, “Design of Center of Gravity Defuzzifier”, Proceedings of National Conference on Intelligent Systems and Networks, H.E.C., Jagadhri, Feb.’04.
14.Nidhika Birla and Neetika Ohri, “Embedded Processors – An Innovative Solution”, Proceedings of National Level Technical Symposium on Innovative Information Systems for Electronic Governance, J.M.I.T., Radaur, Apr.’03.
15.Nidhika Birla and Seema Chopra, “A Fuzzy Approach to Increase Energy Efficiency”, Proceedings of All India Seminar on Power and Energy for Sustainable Growth, C.R. State College of Engg., Murthal (Sonepat), Feb.’03.

Expert Lectures / Conference / Seminar Organized / Presented

1.  Short Term Training Program on MATLAB, JMIT, Radaur -  in association with NITTTR, Chandigarh, July'17.
2.  Webinar on "Electrical Engineering through Modern Tool - An OBE Approach", Virtual Academy, Indo Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education, July'17.
3.  Faculty Conclave 2017, JMIT, Radaur - in association with Indo Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education, July'17.
4.   Invited Expert Lecture at EED, N.I.T., Kurukshetra  for Short Term Training Program on Nonlinear Systems and Control, May'16.
5.  Six Weeks Summer Training on Machine Vision using MATLAB, H.E.C., Jagadhri, June-Aug. ’15.
6.    Two-Day Workshop on MATLAB in association with NITTTR, Chandigarh, H.E.C., Jagadhri, Feb. ’12.
7.    All India Conference on Recent Emergences and Scope of Electronics Architecture – 2010 (RESEARCH – 2KX), H.E.C., Jagadhri, Feb.’10.
8.  National Workshop on Nanotechnology Applications in Industry and Research (NAIR-2009), H.E.C., Jagadhri, Feb. ’09.
9.    National Conference on Machine Intelligence (NCMI-2008), H.E.C., Jagadhri, Aug. ’08.
10.National Conference on Recent Advances in Development of Sustainable Environment (RADSE-2008), H.E.C., Jagadhri, May ’08.
11. One-Week Workshop on Applied Soft Computing, H.E.C. Jagadhri, July’06.
12. Summer Training on LabVIEW, H.E.C., Jagadhri, June-Aug. ’06.
13. Asian Conference on Intelligent Systems and Networks (AISN-2006), H.E.C., Jagadhri, Feb.’06.
14. Workshop on Virtual Instrumentation, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, Jan.’06.
15.  One-Week Workshop on Applied Soft Computing, H.E.C. Jagadhri, July’05.
16.  National Conference on Intelligent Systems and Networks, H.E.C., Jagadhri, Feb.’04.
17.  Two-Day Workshop on Biologically Inspired Computing, H.E.C., Jagadhri, May’03.


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